Email Marketing Statistics - Tridap Media

Feb 5, 2021
Digital Marketing


Email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to reach and engage their audience effectively. At Tridap Media, we understand the importance of leveraging current statistics and trends to optimize email campaigns successfully.

Key Statistics on Email Marketing

When it comes to email marketing stats, here are some crucial insights you need to know:

Email Engagement Rates

According to recent research, the average open rate for marketing emails across all industries is around 21.33%, with a click-through rate of 2.62%.

Email Personalization

Personalized emails have been found to generate transaction rates that are six times higher than non-personalized emails. It's essential to tailor your messages to meet the individual preferences of your audience.

Mobile Optimization

With the increasing use of smartphones, optimizing your email campaigns for mobile devices is crucial. Studies show that 46% of all email opens occur on mobile devices.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing offers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Cost-effective way to reach a large audience
  • Easy to track and measure campaign performance
  • Ability to segment and target specific customer groups
  • Provides a direct line of communication with leads and customers

Email Advertising Statistics

For businesses looking to invest in email advertising, consider the following stats:

ROI of Email Marketing

Email marketing has an impressive return on investment (ROI) of around 4200%, making it a highly lucrative marketing channel for businesses of all sizes.

Conversion Rates

On average, email marketing campaigns have a conversion rate of approximately 4.29%, outperforming other digital marketing channels.

Email Automation

Automated email campaigns have been shown to drive higher engagement and revenue, with 320% more revenue attributed to them compared to non-automated campaigns.


Stay ahead of the competition with the latest email marketing statistics and trends from Tridap Media. Our expertise in digital marketing can help you harness the power of email campaigns to drive business growth and maximize your ROI.